About The Alexander Technique:
- The body learning, Michael Gelb, Henry Holt and Company,LLC,ed.
- The use of the self, F.M Alexander, Ed. orion
- The universal constant in living, F.M Alexander, Ed. Mouritz
- Constructive Concious Control of the individual, F.M Alexander, Ed. Mouritz
- Thinking Aloud, Walter Carrington, Ed. Mornum Time Press
- The act of living, Walter Carrington, Ed.Jerry Sontag
- Not to do, Fiona Robb,Ed. Camon Press
- The practice of presence, Patty de Llosa,Morning light press
Other related subjects:
- The voice book, Michael MC Callion, Theatre Arts Book\Routledge; Revised edition (December 19, 1998)
- Desplegandose, Elfriede Hengstenberg, Ed. La liebre de marzo
Back pain:
- Randomised controlled trial of Alexander Technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for patients with chronic low back pain
- Improvement in automatic postural coordination following Alexander Technique lessons in a person with low back pain
- The impact of Alexander Technique lessons on chronic mechanical low back pain
- Alexander technique and Supervised Physiotherapy Exercises in back paiN (ASPEN): a four-group randomised feasibility trial
Chronic pain:
- Evaluation of the effect of Alexander lessons in a pain clinic setting
- Early Experiences of a Multidisciplinary Pain Management Programme
- Multidisciplinary approach to chronic back pain: prognostic elements of the outcom
Where to buy books:
- Asociación de Técnica Alexander España:
- L’estudi. Centre Tècnica Alexander Barcelona.Integració psicofísica - The complete guidance to the Alexander Technique