How does the Alexander Technique work?. Towards a scientific model

The Alexander Technique is an educational method for changing long-standing habits of tension. Research suggests it results in improved movement, balance and overall wellbeing, and that it has significant benefits for people with back pain, neck pain and those living with Parkinson’s disease. But how does it work? For the first time, a modern neurophysiological explanation is proposed, drawing on direct studies of the Alexander Technique and other relevant scientific literature.

Additional Information:

Science Animated :   / sci_ani     / scianimation  




Alexander Technique and Parkinson


El Parkinson  és una malaltia degenerativa que afecta al sistema nerviós central produint un trastorn del moviment. A mesura que les neurones de la part del cervell afectada van morint, s’observen dificultats motores com els tremolors, rigidesa al tronc o les extremitats i problemes d’equilibri (inestabilitat postural). Quan la  malaltia avança les dificultats  van en augment i interfereixen i incapaciten a la persona en les seves activitats diàries.


Els estudis fets mostren que un gran percentatge de  cèl·lules encarregades de produir dopamina, així com moltes de les seves terminacions nervioses han deixat de funciona. Aquest fet afecta la producció  del neurotransmissor norepinefrina, qui s’encarrega de transmetre informació al sistema nerviós parasimpàtic, que controla les funcions automàtiques del cos (pols, pressió arterial, per exemple).


Com que és una malaltia crònica i multisistèmica,  va agreujant la mobilitat i condicionant molts aspectes de la persona. La Tècnica Alexander es presenta com una eina  que beneficia a qui la pateix, ja que treballa amb l’equilibri la postura corporal i el benestar general, en una metodologia de consciència del cos en el moment present en un enfoc mindfulness.


Un estudi realitzat amb malalts de Parkinson que havien practicat la Tècnica Alexander evidència el benefici de la seva pràctica amb resultats positius referents a la inestabilitat, la rigidesa i l’alineació postural. Si voleu ampliar aquesya informació i esteu interessats en llegir sobre aquestes investigacions podeu seguir aquest enllaç.


També podeu consultar aquest vídeo explicatiu de la Tècnica Alexander en estudis científics.


La generalitat de Catalunya anomena la Tècnica Alexander com una tècnica de suport i de tractament complementària en la seva pàgina web de canal salut referent a la Tècnica Alexander. La podeu consultar aquí


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How to prevent dance injuries with the Alexander Technique

All types of dance need many hour sof practice, rehersals and performances. As a consequence the body gets a continuous high demand of exercise.

It is very common to have injuries due to the constant repetition of movements and muscular effort. But some changes in the dance practice and the daily routines can be prevented.

We are offering you a vídeo wher you can see how the Alexander Technique  can prevent the nightmare of the dancers injuries.

If you need more information, in Kilibra cos . ment . moviment we can help you… Contact us!

How to cultivate quietness

Holidays are ending slowly, and we are getting in touch with our work,  restarting our daily routine and the usual  rythm. It is now a good moment to stop and reflect on how  we would like to start the new season. The rest we had, the mental space, the time with no hurries, the contact with nature and the open space, has allowed us to connect with  a more organic rythm, with our senses and our authentic needs, it is possible that we feel more quiet and balanced.

The challenge of starting anew with our obligations and with the accelerated pace can produce some anxiety and we wonder how we can sustain this serene state, focused mind and active body.

It is important to make space to become aware of what we want and for this we need a clear and determined mind. Give yourself a transition time between the period of rest we have enjoyed and the start of our activity. Deciding what our purposes will be, how we will activate, without straining or speeding up. If necessary, we can write it down to specify our decisions.


A good way to do this is to set aside time each day to stop, calm the mind and attend to the body, it allows us to be in the present moment. If you lie on the floor, with a book under your head, so that it supports you and you can rest your back and loosen your neck. Your legs bent with your feet resting and your hands resting on the trunk. You can bring your attention to the body, observe it and take a tour from toe to head, or if you prefer, from head to toe. If your attention wanders to other thoughts and you notice it, that’s good, because then you have the opportunity to get back on the path you were on.

Then transition to standing up, using your supports, and notice, now, how your balance is and if you feel calmer again.

I recommend that you do this practice daily, about 15 or 20 minutes will be enough. Then resume your routines and activities. I also encourage you to continue attending to the present moment while you are busy doing your tasks. Bringing attention to the body will allow you to do this and is a way to cultivate serenity.…/REPÓS-CONSTRUCTIU.pdf

If you need more information, in  Kilibra cos . ment . moviment, we can help you…  Contact us